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Covid 19

The clinic re-opened for business as of 16th July 2020. All safety measures and procedures are in place as per Government guidelines and those stipulated by our Professional Body. 


Detailed instructions and guidance of all procedures that are in place will be issued to each individual client who has an appointment, however a brief summary of key measures are as follows:


- COVID-19 Risk Assessments and COSHH Assessments have been carried out and are filed within the clinic and reviewed regularly.

- Full PPE, including mask, visor, disposable apron and gloves are worn for every appointment.

- Full COVID-19 screening will take place with each client before the appointment takes place and questionnaires must be completed by each client. No completion means no appointment.

- Appointments are limited to 45 minutes maximum during this time.

- Clients must bring a face mask, sanitise their hands and temperatures will be taken on arrival. My temperature is taken and documented prior to morning and afternoon appointments and readings are documented.

- The room is cleaned & sanitised fully between each appointment.

- If a client develops any symptoms of COVID-19, or start with a cold/fever, in the period of time following an appointment, or receives contact from Track and Trace that they have come into contact with a person who had tested positive for COVID-19, they should contact me as soon as possible. I will also contact all clients immediately who have been for treatment, should I also develop symptoms following appointment attendance. 

Woman with Paper Mask
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